ARROWBEAR ANARCHIST CONFERENCE- MAY 19, 20, & 21 1995 Communication and Sharing Ideas & Knowledge. Experience Cooperation and Mutual Aide. Disclaimer; (Anarchy ain't about Punk Rock and Beer. If that's all you are interested in don't bother coming. This is a Conference, not a drunk punk fest....) - This was printed on the 1995 Anarchist Conference flyer - |
WORKSHOPS, PRESENTATIONS, DISCUSSIONS, EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES; *Mexican Solidarity - Zapatista support *Confronting Sexism *Wimmin's Space /Self-Help *Anarcho Paganism *Free Schools/Modern School Movement *Food Not Bombs Networking *Free Love and Jealousy *I.W.W.-Union Organizing *Prisoner Support *Anarchist response to Gangs *Anarchy 101 - General discussion/ Intro *Anarchy 202 - Where and how do we go from here? *Free Speech and Anarchism - A Play *Homophobia *Veganism Today *Autonomous Communal Guerilla Organic Gardening-Urban/Rural Land *Freight train hoping - much more workshops got added- |