• 1969: October, Chicago. Bombing of Haymarket police statue to remember the Martyrs. • 1969: December, Chicago. Bombing of Chicago police cars in retaliation for the murder of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark. • 1970: March, San Luis Obispo. Liberation of Timothy Leary from the California Men’s Colony Prison. • 1970: May, Washington D.C. Bombing of National Guard Headquarters. In retaliation for the killings of anti-war protesters at Jackson and Kent State Universities. • 1970: June, New York City. Bombing of New York City Police Headquarters. • 1970: July, San Francisco. Bombing of Presidio Army Base and Military Police Headquarters. • 1970: August, Marin County. Bombing of Marin County Courthouse in retaliation for the murder of Jonathan Jackson, William Christmas, and James McClain. • 1970: October, Long Island. Bombing of Long Island City Courthouse in solidarity with the current New York prison revolts. • 1970: October, Harvard. Bombing of the Harvard College war research Center for International Affairs. ( W.U. Women’s Brigade) • 1971: March, Washington D.C. Bombing of the US Capitol in retaliation for the U.S. invasion of Laos. • 1971: August, San Francisco. Bombing of the Department of Corrections in retaliation for the assassination of George Jackson. • 1971: August, Sacramento. Bombing of the Office of California Prisons in retaliation for the assassination of George Jackson. • 1971: September, Albany. Bombing of the Department of Corrections offices in retaliation for the brutal assault against the Attica Prison uprising. • 1971: October, Michigan. Bombing of William Bundy’s office in the MIT research center. • 1972: May, Washington D.C. Bombing of the Pentagon in retaliation for new U.S. bombing raid in Hanoi. • 1973: May, New York. Bombing of the 103rd precinct of the New York City police in retaliation against the murder of Clifford Clover. • 1973: September. Bombing of the ITT Latin America Headquarters in retaliation for the U.S. backed coup against the socialist government of Chile. • 1974: March, San Francisco. Bombing of the Federal Office of Health, Education, and Welfare. “ In the accompanying communiqué the Women’s Brigade argues for the need for women to take control of daycare, healthcare, birth control and other aspects of women’s daily lives.” • 1974: July, Pittsburgh. Bombing of the executive headquarters of Gulf Oil for its brutality and greed in areas such as Angola and Vietnam. • 1974: September, 11. Bombing of the Anaconda Corporation ( part of the Rockefeller corporation). This bombing was retribution for Anacondas involvement in the coup that put Pinochet in power in Chile. • 1975: January, Washington D.C. Bombing of the U.S. State Department. • 1975: June. Bombing of Banco de Ponce ( a Puerto Rican bank) in support of the Puerto Rican struggle for self determination. • 1975: September, Salt Lake City. Bombing of the Kennecott Corporation for its connections to Pinochet in Chile.
All information in Listing obtained from these sources: 1) Dohrn, Bernardine, Bill Ayers, Jeff Jones, and Cecilia Sojourn. Prairie Fire: The politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism. San Francisco: Prairie Fire Organizing Committee, 1974. 2) Gilbert, David. Students For A Democratic Society and the Weather Underground Organization. Toronto: Arm The Spirit Press, 2002.
Secondary Sources
Caute, David. The Year of the Barricades: A journey through 1968. New York: Harper Row, 1988.
Fraser, Ronald. 1968: A Student Generation in Revolt. New York: Pantheon Books, 1988.
Gitlin, Todd. The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage. New York: Bantam Books, 1987.
Jacobs, Ron. The Way the Wind Blew: A History of the Weather Underground. New York: Verso, 1997.
Matusow, Allen J. The Unraveling of America: A History of Liberalism in the 1960’s. New York: Harper Row, 1984.
Primary Sources
Ayers, Bill. Fugitive Days. New York: Penguin Puntam Inc, 2003.
Ayers, Bill, et al. You Don’t Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way The Wind Blows. New Left Notes. June 1969.
Chicago Office of the F.B.I. Weather Underground Organization. Chicago: F.B.I., 1976.
Gilbert, David. Students For a Democratic Society and the Weather Underground Organization. Toronto: Arm The Spirit & Abraham Guillen Press, 2002
Grathwohl, Larry. Bringing Down America. New Rochelle: Arlington House, 1976.
Pear, Robert. F.B.I. Agent Says Cuba Officials at U.N. Instructed Weathermen. New York Times. 25 Sep.1980.
Rudd, Mark and Green, Sam. Interview. San Diego Independent Media Center, Sep. 20, 2003.
Students For A Democratic Society. New Left Notes. Journal. Jan, 1966-Nov. 1969. Chicago: Students For A Democratic Society, 1966-1969.
Weather Underground Organization. Osawatomie. Newsletter. Spring, 1975-Winter, 1976.
Weather Underground Organization. Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti- Imperialism. San Francisco: Prairie Fire Organizing Committee, 1975.